Stale Bread and a Picnic Saturday

Sunday, February 13, 2011

We went to visit my parents for the weekend. Before we leave, we try to clean up a little so the house is not a wreck when we get back. While cleaning, Lori was getting ready to throw out some old bread and asked me if there was anywhere we could take Rachel on Saturday to feed some ducks or something since we knew the weather was supposed to be nice. I remembered Swan Lake in Sumter, SC (about 45 minutes from my parent's house). So we decided to go there for the day.

The weather turned out to be really nice. We were excited to spend the day outside, and especially for Rachel since this winter has left us confined to the indoors. We get there, get unpacked, get to the gate, and see this sign.

Well that stinks. So we can't feed the birds now. Last time I went we fed them like crazy. We figured they either got really overweight or just became too aggressive towards people. So here we are with stale bread that we can't feed the birds. Oh well, we still walked around and had a great time. I spent a lot of the time taking pictures and my parents enjoyed spending the time with Rachel.

This swan may have been resting on some eggs. She (I assume "she") stayed like this as we walked by. Didn't seem to be bothered by anything. I did try to keep a little space though. You never know when one of these birds is going to go psycho on you.

Taking in the landscapes. Got several more I will share later.

There were several different kinds of swans and other birds there. There was even a really cool Blue Heron I got some cool shots of. I'll share those later as well.

This little guy needs a thought bubble.

I end this post with a bit of irony. We packed a picnic lunch to eat while we were there. We lug everything out of the back of the car, and trek on over to the picnic benches. We get things set up, and it is then that my mom realizes we didn't pack the bread for the sandwiches. Poop! Off to McDonald's.

.....more to come